Thursday, 23 October 2014

Onwards and Upwards

"The past Is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
-Carrie Bradshaw                                                                  

8 months.... has It really flown by that quick, feels like It was yesterday I was sat at this desk writing another blogpost. I do apologise for the serious lack of blogging but LIFE took over as per. As many of you may know blogging is very time consuming, but shouldn't feel too much effort, it should be more of an enjoyment and thats Is exactly why I'm back! So hola!!!!

Now I don't want to bore you with my life story but just to fill you In, the last few months have been...lets say... a whirl wind, but the summer thrills have made me stronger and happier than ever. I hope you can all reflect on summer the same way! Yes I did spend my summer watching the life changing Sex And The City (with the occasional wine and chocolate)... come on who hasn't. Cant believe It's taken me 19 years to finally complete the box set. Four very inspirational women, actually kind of remind me of us girls in the flat, just younger, less money and definitely less sex..well yeah...who really could compete with Samantha. 

Anyway less of the fictional and more about the as you may have noticed I've 'tried' to revamp the blog, visually and even focusing on a new direction for Liv.In.London. My past posts were purely on outfit builds. Don't get me wrong I will be posting the occasional shopping haul but as I've reached second year of uni I now want to develop as a person and as a professional. I'll be engaging with my surroundings, exploring the city more. Discussing the fashion industry in more depth and even letting you have the insight of what we learn and debate about within my seminars at LCF. So I'll be taking my camera and notepad with me where ever I venture too...Onwards and Upwards!

If any questions about the course I do or just for a general chinwag, feel free to contact me or comment below. 
Let the next blogging adventure begin...again.

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